Trip Deposit – CA


Pay your California Trip deposit online. Fees to cover credit card processing will be applied at check out ($0.49 per transaction plus 2% of the subtotal in the tax line). This deposit is non-refundable and approximately 40% of the total trip cost. In order to reserve the vendors needed for the trip, we owe them deposits that are non-refundable. Your trip deposit covers these costs.

Please enter the name of the student or chaperone you would like this payment applied to in the provided space.
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Product Description

Please use this product to send in your initial trip deposit. This is non-refundable as it covers our fixed costs. This is NOT a Tax Credit donation. Although we are a 501(c)(3) corporation, this donation is likely not tax deductible because the student benefits directly from it. Please use our General Donation link or the Gilbert Schools Tax Credit link if you want to pursue donations to offset taxes. This is also NOT the elective fee collected by the Campo Verde Bookstore. Please visit Infinite Campus to make a payment to the school.

If you prefer to avoid online fees, there is a dropbox in the office of the orchestra room for payments. Students need to put their name and what the payment is for on the envelope and drop it in the secure box. You may always choose this option for any Booster payments.

Additional information

Student or Chaperone

Student, Chaperone