Valentine’s Dinner & Concert at EVIT Call Time & Details for Students
by on February 6, 2019 in Concert Information Fundraiser

 We are looking forward to our Valentine’s Dinner Concert on Friday held at EVIT. Please look through the following details to ensure that your child is where they need to be at the appropriate time. 

 Call time for students: 6:30 PM

 Where: Culinary Arts Building at the East Valley Institute of Technology 

1601 W Main St, Mesa, AZ 85201

 Dress for students: Full uniforms, hair pulled back, black close-toed dress shoes

 The concert starts at 7 PM. Students will need to be picked up at 8:40 PM. The concert will most likely end around 8:30 PM, but we are asking that each student help us clean up after the performance.

 The Orchestra Parent Boosters will provide pizza and water for the students back stage. If your child does not care for pizza or if they need more than 2 pieces of pizza, please have them bring along additional food.

 If your child auditioned to be featured as a soloists or as an ensemble member, they may need to be there earlier than 6:30 PM since some of those students perform at 6:30 PM. Your child will know today where their solo or ensemble performance is in the schedule. Please ask them and be prepared for an earlier call time if needed.


Thank you and I look forward to a wonderful event!

Mrs Payne