Dear CV Orchestra Parents,
Did you know our Orchestra Booster Club now has 501(c)(3) status? This means we are a charitable organization and companies that would like to donate to us will receive tax credit. If you own your own company, work for a company that searches for organizations to sponsor, or know a company that would like to make a tax credit donation, please let us know. This status also means we can receive donations from AmazonSmile! If you are not familiar with AmazonSmile, please read the information below and consider choosing CV Orchestra to receive donations from your Amazon orders.
As always, we appreciate all your support!
CV Orchestra Boosters
AmazonSmile is a way for customers to support their favorite charitable organization every time they shop with Amazon. Shoppers who start at will find the same Amazon they know and love, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the price of eligible purchases to the charity of your choice. Signing up is easy!
Here’s how to shop AmazonSmile:
(Android users can now use Amazon Smiles on their Amazon App)
Fry’s Rewards
Another way you can help is through the Fry’s reward program. If you shop at Fry’s, please consider linking your card to the CV Orchestra Boosters. This is a great way to support our orchestra by just doing your regular grocery shopping!
Enroll (or re-enroll) in the Fry’s Community Rewards Program: