Off to a Great Start
by on August 6, 2018 in Director Post

We are off to a great start to the school year in orchestra! I have a few reminders and things I would like to bring to your attention.

 1. If your child and you have not filled out the google form, please do so today.    Google Form

This link can also be found on their google classroom.

 2. Students, if you have not already done so, please remember to join google classroom tonight.

3. Parents, your child has received copies of music that they can begin practicing at home. All instruments should go home with them on a daily basis to ensure that they practice. Even if they can only fit twenty minutes a day of practice in, that is always preferable to not practicing. Students also can find links to recordings of their pieces on their google classroom for their reference.

 4. Students have their first assignment (a get to know you video) due 8/7/2018 by midnight via google classroom.

 5. Students in Chamber and Concert Orchestra have the opportunity to become an orchestra council representative. If they choose to do so, they were handed an orchestra application during class. These are due on Wednesday.

 6. Please check out this website at to keep up to date with our Orchestra Parent Organization, Handbook, calendars, and much more! Also, if you would like to follow us on FB, you can find us at

If you would like to follow/add us on instagram, our handle is @campoverdeorchestras and lastly, we have a Twitter and you can follow us at @cvhs_orchestras

 7. If you are attending our CVHS Open House tomorrow, please stop by my room (313) and come say hi so that I can connect a face to a name. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to email me at anytime. My email can be found below.

 Thank you and I look forward to a great school year!