Last Playing Quiz of the Semester
by on April 28, 2019 in Director Post

Parents & Students,

 Please be advised that this is the last playing quiz of the school year that will count towards chair placement and so forth. More importantly than your chair is that you have learned your parts to the best of your ability and turn in a playing quiz. Parents, please remind your child to practice this weekend and submit a video so that they end the year on a strong note (no pun intended!). Often, when students receive a B or C in my class, it is due to a missed playing quiz at the end of the semester. Parts and recordings are posted via google classroom and reminders were posted for students to bring their instruments home this weekend. The playing quiz videos are due by Monday, April 29th at midnight. 

 Thank you for your assistance in making sure that all of our amazing and talented orchestra students here at CVHS successfully end the school year on a strong note (again, no pun intended).

 Additionally, if your child is in Strolling Strings, they have a Memory Quiz on Monday during class as well. Thank you.

 Have a wonderful weekend,

 Mrs. Payne