Orchestras – Important 2nd Quarter Dates
by on October 15, 2018 in Director Post

Students & Parents,

Welcome back! I just wanted to send out a quick email that highlights our upcoming events during 2nd Quarter. I like to keep students and parents updated as much as possible. Please take a moment to look through the concert dates/payment dates (for Chamber and Symphonic Strings only) and enter them into your calendar.

Friday, October 19th-All Butterbraids fundraiser orders and $$ are due

Monday, October 29th-Anaheim Deposit Due $100 (Chamber and Symphonic Strings only)

Monday, October 29th-Sectionals during class with sectional coaches (All classes)

Friday, November 2nd-Dr. Timothy Kanto, violin professor from UofA will visit Chamber and Symphonic Strings-violinists who are interested in performing for him in a Masterclass should come talk to Mrs. Payne (Chamber and Symphonic Strings only)

November 3rd-Cellobration -optional event for students who want to participate-you can sign up here: https://astaaz.org/event/cellobration/

Monday, November 5th-Sectionals during class with sectional coaches (All classes)

Tuesday, November 6th-Playing Quiz #1 due via Google Classroom (All classes)

Friday, November 16th, Regional Audition Fees $25 due (only applies to those students in Symphonic Strings and Chamber who are interested and have been preparing for their audition)

Thursday, November 15th, Orchestra Parent Booster Meeting 7 PM, Orchestra Room

Friday, November 16th, Dr. Chris Finet, bass professor from NAU will be here to work with our bass players (ALL classes), Symphonic Strings bassists who would like to play something for him in a master class should come talk to Mrs. Payne

Monday, November 19th-Playing Quiz #2 in class with section coaches

November 19th-December 3rd-Gold Canyon Candles Fundraiser

Monday, November 26th-$100 Anaheim Trip payment due (Chamber and Symphonic Strings students only)

December 1st, Phoenix Bass Jam -optional-students can register here: https://astaaz.org/event/phoenix-bass-jam/

Monday, December 3rd-White Christmas Memory Quiz in class (ALL Orchestras)

Thursday, December 6th-Orchestra Parent Booster Meeting, 7 PM

Tuesday, December 11th, Band Holiday Concert, 7 PM (ALL Symphonic Strings students are required to perform with the Full Symphony)

Thursday, December 13th-Home for the Holidays Orchestra Concert 7 PM, Admission $5 payable at the door via card/cash, Immediate families of 5 or more discounted to a max of $25. Children 5 and under are FREE (All Orchestras)

Monday, December 17th-19th-In Class Scale Performance Finals

Additionally, if you know of any alumni who would be interested in coming back and performing with us on our Holiday Concert on December 13th, have them contact me at crystal.payne@gilbertschools.org

Did you know that you can download some of these dates (concerts, parent booster meetings, fundraisers and strolling gigs) directly from our website? campoverdeorchestras.org

Have you ever lost an email and wanted to look at it again for information? If so, you can access my emails under “News” on our website at campoverdeorchestras.org

You can also follow our orchestra program on Facebook,  Twitter, and Instagram. Links can be found on our webpage hompage (bottom left corner).

As always, thank you for your support of our program and our fantastic students! It’s such a joy to work with such talented and hard working students each and every day. I am looking forward to yet another fantastic quarter.

Mrs. Payne