Fry’s Orchestra Fund Raiser
by on January 9, 2019 in Director Post

If you haven’t signed up yet, this is an easy way to earn money for our CVHS Orchestra program:


Fry’s Community Rewards Program


How to enroll:


1. Go to

2. Click “enroll now” to either enroll or re-enroll (if you do not have an online VIP account, you will have to create one, then you will be able to enroll)

3. Entere either 65083 or Campo Verde HS Orchestra Boosters, click the box.

4. You should see a blue box with Campo Verde HS Orchestra Boosters, click the box.

5. If you have enrolled, or re-enrolled correctly, you should see a green box with “Your enrollment in the Community Rewards Program has been updated, thank you for participating!” 


We made $251.32 last quarter. Thank you for those who are participating. If we can get more participating, we can earn even more funds to help our program.