CVHS Orchestra Parent Booster Fundraising
by on August 13, 2018 in Director Post

 Please read the attachment regarding our fundraising needs this school year. We will be holding our first fundraiser of the school year THIS WEDNESDAY at Barro’s Pizza. We hope that you can join us. You will receive more information about that fundraiser in another email later today.


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If you would like to help us fundraiser, present ideas, or just keep up to date on what’s happening in our Orchestra Parent Booster Club, then we invite you to attend our booster meeting this Thursday, 8/16 from 7:00-8:00 PM in the orchestra room. We’d love to see some new faces and hear some new voices! Everyone who has a child currently enrolled in orchestra is invited to attend. As always, we appreciate your support of our wonderful orchestra program here at CVHS. As a direct result of our parents and  community support here at CVHS, we have many talented and dedicated students in our orchestra program!