CVHS Orchestra Car Wash-September 22
by on September 16, 2018 in Director Post

Good afternoon,

 Our CVHS Orchestra Program is hosting a Car Wash fundraiser on Saturday, September 22 from 9 AM-1 PM at CVS on the NE corner of Lindsey and Warner.  All students are required to work one car wash per school year. If your child did not sign up to work a two hour shift at this car wash, then they are expected to work a shift at our next car wash on Saturday, April 6th.

 Students, if you choose to wear a bathing suit, please make sure that you wear a T-shirt over it. Also, we will need parent volunteers to help chaperone and supervise students. Normally, I would be at the car wash, but will not be able to make it to this one. Our fantastic CVHS Orchestra Parent Booster volunteers will be at the car wash to run things and assign parent volunteers roles. It is essential to the success of our car wash that we get parent volunteers to help out. 

 If you are interested in signing up for a shift, please sign up here:

 Also, please help us spread the word! I’ve attached a flyer that you can post to social media and share with your friends and family.