by on October 25, 2018 in Director Post

Your child received a letter about a new program that we will be using this school year called Charms. This program allows parents to keep track of their child’s trip payments, fundraising profits, and tax credits. However, this is a work in progress. At this time, we have all fundraising profit balances from the school year 17-18 entered as well as our recent Jamba Juice and Butterbraids Fundraiser. I also have entered in tax credit into the “Miscellaneous” category. The last thing that we entered in is our $25 Orchestra Fee. As a reminder, Orchestra’s yearly fee is $75. ($50 payable to the bookstore/via infinite campus and $25 payable to our Orchestra Boosters, CVHS OPO which is to be turned in to the lockbox in my classroom). If you have not yet paid your $25 fee, your child will be notified in class and it will show up on Charms as a “Fixed Payment” balance of $25. In the future, we hope to have Charms linked so that you can pay things with your debit or credit card, but we are not at that point yet. Instead, if you still owe the $25, please send cash or a check payable to CVHS OPO to school with your child to be turned in. Thank you for your assistance with this.

As for Charms, in the letter it explains how to log on and view your child’s financial information. During class today I gave a tutorial, so students should be confident in how to go about logging in and looking for their fundraising balances and such. You can log in by going to

Once you are there, choose “Login” as a parent/student. Once you have done this, enter the code “CVHSOrchestras”. From there, your child or you needs to enter their school ID number. Once you have done this, it will ask you to create a new password. From there, your child should be able to guide you through the “Finances” portion. This is all clearly explained in the letter that was sent home.

As a reminder, all fundraising and tax credit roll over from school year to school year, unless previously used/applied to a trip. If you should see anything that looks incorrect, please email me at

Thank you for your patience as I navigate this new program. I think that in the log run, this program will be very beneficial.

Mrs. Payne