Calling All Musicians – Strolling Strings Information
by on July 8, 2019 in Director Post Strolling Strings

Have you ever thought about joining Strolling Strings? We’d love to have anyone who wants to join, no matter their instrument, but we are particularly in need of cellists and bassists. If you’ve thought about joining strolling strings, but were on the fence, please read the information below:

What is Strolling Strings?

Strolling Strings is a group of CVHS musicians that are active members in Concert Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, or Symphonic Strings in grades 9-12. These musicians memorize their music and use their talents and skills in the community. This year, our students will play the National Anthem at assemblies and perform in the community at Solera Ladies Club luncheons, holiday events (e.g., Gilbert Rotary Club Annual Holiday breakfast), and assisted living communities near CVHS. We also partner with our on-campus preschool.

Strolling Strings meets during 1st hour, but there is NO extra orchestra class fees (just the one for your regular Orchestra Ensemble class). However, all students are responsible for purchasing their own uniforms, which range from $54 (for gentleman) to $81 (for ladies). Students own this uniform for the remainder of their school career and many sell their uniforms back to underclassmen when they graduate. If a student cannot afford a uniform, but really wants to be in Strolling Strings, financial assistance is available.

Is there an audition?

No audition is necessary. The only prerequisite is that the student be concurrently enrolled in Concert Orchestra I, Concert Orchestra II (Chamber), or Symphonic Strings.

Why take Strolling Strings?

From former CVHS students:

“I think people should join strolling because it is awesome to be able to go out into the community and play for different audiences and in different settings off stage. It’s also really nice that it is a smaller class than our other orchestras because the group is a lot closer, and you get to form deeper bonds than you do in the larger ensembles.” – Haley Kruse, Alumni 2019

“Strolling Strings is a truly amazing class—it’s where I made many of my first friendships in high school and where we are able to spread even more joy through the music we play.” – Rebecca Orillo, Alumni 2019

Last, but not least, we receive donations as a result of a few of our community gigs and, therefore, Strolling Strings students are eligible to earn “fundraising” money through community gigs to help subsidize the cost of out-of-state orchestra trips.

If you are interested in adding Strolling Strings to your schedule, please email your counselor to change your schedule. If you have any questions, feel free to email