Orchestra Parents and Guardians,
Every year, our Orchestra Council students work hard to provide an event for our the orchestra program students that provides an opportunity to have fun while, at the same time, meeting new friends. All four of our ensembles are invited to attend. Our annual “Lock In” event will be held here at CVHS from 5-10 PM on Friday, August 30th. In the past, we’ve played Mario Kart, Board Games, Just Dance, Kickball, Water Games, and other get-to-know-you games! We have a blast and hope that everyone can join us this year. A fee of $5 gets your child dinner, snacks, cake, and much more! Please see the flyer for more details.
Additionally, we need adult chaperones for this event. If you are interested in chaperoning, please sign up here:
I’ve divided the chaperone duties into shifts so that no parent has to chaperone more than two hours at a time.
Thank you,
Mrs. Payne