Welcome to Strolling Strings!
by on August 8, 2019 in Director Post Strolling Strings

To Strolling Strings Students, Parents, and Guardians,

Wow! We have a wonderful strolling class this year and we are off to a great start! In an effort to keep you informed, here are a few items for your attention:

Please view the Strolling Strings Performance Calendar (at the bottom of this email and on this website’s calendar) and mark these dates down. One of the best things about Strolling is that our students get to use their musical talents in our community. Please let me know as soon as possible about any conflicts with our performance calendar. Parents/students are responsible for their own transportation to and from our gigs. If you need any help finding a carpool, please let me know. Performances are a grade.

At some of our gigs (dependent upon space), parents are allowed to attend. I will let you know which ones parents can attend and which ones that I only need 1-2 parent chaperones.

If you are new to us this year, please order your Strolling uniforms as soon as possible. While there is NO additional fee for Strolling strings, students are responsible for purchasing a uniform unlike their other orchestra class (i.e., Concert, Chamber, Symphony). Please don’t let this deter anyone away from Strolling Strings. If purchasing a uniform is a financial burden, please contact me. Strolling uniform costs/links can be found at the bottom of this email.

Students will have memory quizzes throughout the semester. They will receive memory quiz dates for the quarter during class next week. For Strolling Strings (this differs from their normal orchestra classes), it is my ultimate goal for each student to receive 100 percent on their memory quiz. After all, we only sound our best when every student learns and memorizes their part. 🙂 If a student does not receive 100 (or pass), they have the option to retake it with me within the week for a higher grade. Memory quizzes are taken in class and in instrument groups.

Strolling Uniform Information

The following uniform is needed for participation in this class.


Note: Two used uniforms – one size 4 ($35) and one size 6 (price negotiable) – are being sold by alumni. If you are interested, come see me or email me for more information; first come, first serve.

  1. Stretch Blouse Style 9782VA – $32
  2. FULL SKIRT – 502FAA, ROYAL SATIN, SHINY FINISH, HUNTER GREEN COLOR (Please make sure you select Royal Satin Finish and HUNTER GREEN COLOR.) – $32


  1. VEST – 8089 ROYAL SATIN, SHINY FINISH, HUNTER GREEN COLOR (Please make sure you select Royal Satin Finish and HUNTER GREEN COLOR.) – $39
  2. Bow Tie – Royal Satin, Shiny Finish, HUNTER GREEN Color – on sale for $2.70

Performance Calendar for First Semester Only

Thursday, October 7th: Fall Orchestra Concert, 7 PM, FREE

Friday, December 6th: Toybox Preschool Performance during the school day

Friday, December 6th: Riparian After Dark Holiday Event (times TBD, but keep 5:30 – 8:00 PM open)

Wednesday, December 11th: Spectrum Santa & Hot Chocolate Performance, Spectrum Community Center, 5-8 PM (times tentative)

Thursday, December 12th: Mariposa Point Assisted Living Facility Performance, 3:00 – 4:30 PM

Saturday, December 14th: Solera Ladies Club Holiday Luncheon Performance (times TBD, but keep 10 AM – 2 PM open)

Tuesday, December 17th: Winter Orchestra Concert, 7 PM, Entry Fees Apply

We also perform at school assemblies and for the school office staff from time to time. At all gigs, students will wear their full uniforms, with the exception of school performances when they wear their Strolling t-shirts (no extra cost to you).

Thank you and if you have any questions about uniforms, strolling, or performance dates, feel free to email me at crystal.payne@gilbertschools.net.

Thank you,
Mrs. Payne